Reply To: Guano?

  • Casadelwhacko

    May 24, 2024 at 6:55 am

    I put up boxes around the property, on trees, eaves of the house and outbuildings too. Took a minute to get the kids and neighborhood yard rats to stay out of the areas where they are, but it has paid off. At the base of where they are mounted I built square boxes with screen to allow it to sift as it dries. I had to learn to handle it safely too. Climate change, habitat destruction, pollution, lack of food (when pesticides and chemicals kill their insect food sources), pesticide bioaccumulation (when bats eat a lot of insects sprayed with pesticides, they are exposed to increasingly high levels of toxins). Hunting and poaching, White Nose Syndrome (a fungal disease that disrupts bat’s natural hibernation cycles) and

    commercial harvesting of guano are all making it difficult on the little bastards. If you own a home, plywood is cheap and mosquitoes suck! I started worm beds at the bases as well. We compost in small hills and have even begun keeping bees. Fuck, this plant has turned me into a hippie!🤘🏼🤣🤘🏼