Looking for help w/ Gavita EL1 F Gen 2

  • Looking for help w/ Gavita EL1 F Gen 2

    Posted by hippy on January 26, 2025 at 6:24 pm

    Hello, folks, need some help connecting my Sun System (Hawthorne) RS 1850 720w 6bar LED to a Gavita EL1 F Gen 2. I am new to the LED scene but the light looks to have a phone type connection, but larger, and the Gavita has a regular phone type plug. I only have the supplied large type cable supplied with the light but it’s not long enough and its plug is too large for the controller. Is there a specific cable to solve this or do I need two separate cables w/ an adapter to connect the two? Forgive my ignorance – old school HPS/MH grower here but my kind wife made me switch by buying me this light – unfortunately the shop she bought it from has closed down and I’m stuck w/ it. Doesn’t turn ‘ON’ w/ a mechanical timer but will shut ‘OFF’ – was told the Gavita controller would run it but seems to be two different sized plugs. I’ve emailed Hawthorne 3 times now, but zero reply. Gotta figure it out myself and don’t have the money to buy another – seems like a nice light if I can get it on a timer.

    Any help is greatly appreciated….

    hippy replied 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • surfdad_grows

    January 26, 2025 at 7:45 pm
    DGC Producer

    Post some pictures of the plugs and reference points. Depends what controller you’re using,or plan to use whether you can daisy chain those two lights together or not. Phone jack looking ports are for the daisy chain, then just have to pick one light you want to plug and play with. If you have or plan to use the ACI 69pro then the type A or B plugs with a type C on one end and phone jack on the other. I’m not familiar with those lights but hope this kinda helps you in the right direction.

    • hippy

      January 27, 2025 at 5:32 am
      Free Membership

      Thank you for taking the time to answer Surfdad!

      here’s what I’ve got…

      left photo is the Gavita controller – right photo is of controller plugs (small phone style) and on top of controller plugs is the actual cable, sitting on the controller to contrast the two different sizes…

      • hippy

        January 27, 2025 at 5:35 am
        Free Membership

        Photos switched! Ok – LEFT photo is of the plugs in bottom of controller and the cable/plug supplied w/ the light sitting on top of controller (in photo) to show contrast in connection sizes…

        RIGHT photo is of the Gavita controller

        • hippy

          January 27, 2025 at 5:58 am
          Free Membership

          Ok, here’s a clearer picture – LEFT photo I’m holding the cable/plug that came with the light and fits its plug and also the plug on Gavita controller – you can see the plug I’m holding is a bit larger than what fits in the Gavita. Right photo is of the plugs on my light that the cable I’m holding in LEFT fits into. There’s an OUT and an IN on the light…

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