Welcome to Real DGC

Welcome to Real DGC

Sign up for free to join the community.

Show your support with a DGC Producer Membership.

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A Growing Community of Growers

Come hang out with the crew, and become a better grower.

Connect with the best growers from around the word, get access to exclusive Dude Grows content, and help keep the culture of cannabis growing alive. 

The Real DGC

Real DGC is  our own private social community media for growers like you.

Create your profile, connect with other growers, show off your grow, and more.

Take Us With You

Available on desktop and mobile. There’s an app for Android and iPhone.

Groups for Growers

Lots of social groups for growers to hang out in and get better at growing. 

Grow Talk. Growers Q & A. DGC MeetUps. And More

Exclusive DGC Content

All the stuff we can’t show you one YouTube. 

Smoke Breaks for free members. Even more exclusive content for DGC Producers. 

Contests and Giveaways

Membership has its benefits. 

Sign up for you chance to win grow gear, beans, nutrients, discounts from the most popular cannabis brands, and more. 
