Child Safety Standards Policy


CSAE refers to child sexual abuse and exploitation, including content or behavior that sexually exploits, abuses, or endangers children. This includes, for example, grooming a child for sexual exploitation, sextorting a child, trafficking of a child for sex, or otherwise sexually exploiting a child.


CSAM stands for child sexual abuse material. It is illegal and our Terms of Service prohibit using Google products and services to store or share this content. CSAM consists of any visual depiction, including but not limited to photos, videos, and computer-generated imagery, involving the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct.

Reporting CSAE / CSAM

Dude Grows takes seriously the safety of children on our platform and is committed to working to keep our community free of child sexual abuse and exploitation.

To this end, we provide an in-app and in-browser mechanism to report any CSAE and CSAM content.

Any content can be reported. This can be done by clicking the drop-down "hamburger" menu on any post, and then tapping Report Discussion" or "Report Reply".

Select "Child Safety" category and "Submit".

Our Administration and Moderation teams will be notified, and will remove the offending content.

How we address child sexual abuse material, abuse and exploitation (CSAM/CSAE)

When we detect CSAM on our platforms, we remove it, make a “CyberTipline” report to NCMEC, and, depending on the nature and severity of the violation, we may provide a warning, limit an account’s access or disable the account.

NCMEC serves as a clearinghouse and comprehensive reporting center in the United States for issues related to child exploitation. Once a report is received by NCMEC, they may forward it to law enforcement agencies around the world.

Further Info / Follow-Up

Contact our team at