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laz posted an update in the group Fungi 6 months ago
Ready to put this project to bed. I’ve have/ had enough mushrooms for several lifetimes. Waiting on some cuts to root and some auto beans so I can get back to my roots!
laz posted an update in the group Fungi 6 months ago
New to group. From East coast. Used to run a proper indoor operation many years ago. For the past several years I’ve served a labor of myco love!
pic… is a monster from recent flush of Timbit!
I love funny shaped fungi. I’ve grown a few as big as my arm lolol
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You don’t have to like mushrooms to be able to appreciate how cool the structure of mycelium is. It’s the same with plant roots. Like when you open up a DWC and you get roots as big as the plant. Just something so cool about how nature does stuff. It’s also not dissimilar to our own nerves system in our bodies and our vascular systems.
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terpyten posted an update in the group Fungi 6 months ago
The Enoki mushroom seed spawn is fully colonized. It is time to make the substrate and let them colonize that. I took 1kg of oak sawdust from my shop vac and let it sit outside while keeping it moist so it would start to decompose a bit. 250g of Wheat bran and 1.6L of water to reach field capacity. Then it’s off to the pressure cooker…
Nice! Do you also do Lions Mane?
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Lions manes super easy . I bought this kit off ebay . It was a self contained box . I got several harvest off it . Those pink oysters look super cool also. I would like to try those
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colorado-cannatopia posted an update in the group Fungi 6 months ago
herb_hermit posted an update in the group Fungi 6 months ago
How do you store your cultures? In the refrigerator? Or in a dark cool dry spot?
I just store them in a cool dark spot. In a cabinet in my basement seams to work for me
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I keep them in the fridge, whether it’s LC, agar or syringes.
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I keep mine in a dark cubby in my fridge. I used some spores that were a year old and no problems. Much to my surprise.
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