Reply To: Questions around next run

  • youngjester

    May 26, 2024 at 11:00 am

    Sounds like, you are well on your way to becoming a (theatrical voice) “MASTER GROWER!” 😂 on the real, I would keep a little cal-mag on stand by. Doesn’t even have to be the military grade Cal-mag. The normal stuff will do. Only advantage of the military grade, I think they add flavorings in those for us crayon eaters.

    Okay, all jokes aside, coco (even the most expensive) will eventually need a cal mag supplement. Perlite is great for coco, especially in plastic pots. Only issues with perlite is how it can interfere with the cation exchange capacity. CEC is just a fancy word for how the nutrients leave the soil and go to the roots… has to do with positive and negatively charged stuffs… all really fancy. Keep us posted, and happy growing dude!