Building a grow room in the garage.

  • Building a grow room in the garage.

    Posted by ohigrow on January 30, 2025 at 10:55 pm

    Instead of waiting for warmer weather to set up the 10×10 in the garage, I decided to build a room that I can run year round. Inside dimensions will be 9’x12′. I have a window for AC and can cut whatever holes I need for ventilation. I’ll be installing a few outlets and a new breaker. Most of my supplies arrived a few days ago (lumber, OSB, insulation, and a few rolls of plastic). I’m also installing a new entry door for the garage, something a little more secure than the hook keeping it closed right now. I’m expecting this will take a few weeks to complete with whatever free time I get. Here’s a pic of my supplies ($400 before shipping) not including the door.

    ohigrow replied 3 days, 9 hours ago 7 Members · 23 Replies
  • 23 Replies
  • ohigrow

    January 30, 2025 at 11:09 pm
    DGC Producer

    Alright, so I actually started this yesterday. Just forgot to make the original post yesterday. I got the door in, it needs trimmed out and the deadbolt put in but other than that it’s done. Had a few issues with the wall on the right side, it’s sinking and caused the problems with the original door. Unfortunately that’s the front wall of my room. With everything exposed I realized there were concrete repairs that needed done around the whole perimeter. We’re kinda on the edge temperature wise, hopefully it sets up and I can started on insulation today.

  • surfdad_grows

    January 31, 2025 at 4:51 am
    DGC Producer

    Why did you put mortar/concrete on your bottom plates of your wall? That’s going to cause you a lot more problems than you have now.

    I’m a framer by trade and have soooo many questions running through my head. 😳.

    • marizema

      February 3, 2025 at 2:00 am
      DGC Producer

      That place is jumping up!

      • surfdad_grows

        February 3, 2025 at 1:16 pm
        DGC Producer

        Seems slower because I have guys that don’t know what to do other than my boss who is never there and our electrician who is usually with me helping with the other guys. Close to closing it in. Wish it was mine lol.

  • ohigrow

    January 31, 2025 at 9:18 am
    DGC Producer

    Well, it seems the walls are setting outside of the concrete pad. With nothing underneath but a thin layer of stone and mud. Most of the bottom plate is gone.

    • Frank_White

      February 1, 2025 at 10:17 am
      DGC Producer

      Can you brace in corners, and a few spots in between and pour some footers for jacks so it doesn’t get worse? I’m in concrete, and in Ohio as well. A couple inches for support won’t last long. Structurally, anyways. Let me know if I can help you in anyways, my friend. Probably missing alot of context, here.

    • surfdad_grows

      February 1, 2025 at 5:16 pm
      DGC Producer

      Hmm, sounds like it was built on the dirt and the floor was poured inside. Shed converted to a garage the wrong way. My only suggestion to your answer is enter at your own risk. That’s definitely not safe at all by the sounds of it and what I can see of it. Definitely get together with frank since he’s close to you. Hopefully you can get it more suitable for the time being.

  • ohigrow

    February 1, 2025 at 2:06 pm
    DGC Producer

    It’s definitely going to get worse… This house was purchased 2 years ago and we keep finding hidden problems. I doubt we’ll put much into the garage before it becomes someone else’s problem. Idk what it would cost to jack it all up. Kind of a scary thought. I’m expecting to use this for a few years before we sell. @Frank_White I’ll pm you a few pics later to show you what I’m dealing with.

  • Frank_White

    February 1, 2025 at 7:00 pm
    DGC Producer

    Not really jacking it up just using the jack’s to keep where it is now. Pour footer, set jack amd crank until its tight, and repeat. Probably not going to move it much if at all, just preventing it from sagging any more. You don’t have to use a jack you can use blocks, too. Send me some pics and some info. I’ll give you some options to keep the costs down, and stay safe brother.

  • surfdad_grows

    February 1, 2025 at 8:06 pm
    DGC Producer

    You can frame up new walls and put them against the old ones on the slab inside. I mean, there really isn’t too many options that won’t cost too much $$$$. Jacking it up a little, reframing your header and RO for the new door and new added in walls is about as cheap as that’s going to get doing it yourself paying for materials but also you said it just needs to last 2 years lol. Shoot me a message if you have questions, I’ll give you suggestions the best I can to save the remaining integrity of the building. 🤙

  • ohigrow

    February 1, 2025 at 10:42 pm
    DGC Producer

    I forgot to get pics while I was there today. But yes, it’s built on the ground with the pad inside. Smh. It’s a big garage @25×15, in town so I wasn’t expecting this at all. We’ve talked it over and for now “it is what it is”. So today I tried to put it in the back of my mind and focus on the task at hand. I spent a few hours running new electric lines, got a few outlets hooked up and insulation in the 2 outside walls. No work on Sunday, but Monday I’m hoping to have pics of framed walls with the rest of the outlets hooked up.

  • sunny

    February 2, 2025 at 12:02 pm
    DGC Producer

    Create a false phone board wall in front of your garage door and you will save yourself a lot of leaky air issues. Even if your garage door is actually insulated there are a lot of gaps. Also, this way you never have to worry about accidentally opening the garage door and showing off everything. The wonderful part about a garage is that it is sloped by design for water to always run out and not sit. Utilize that little bit of drop, if you can!

    • ohigrow

      February 6, 2025 at 8:56 am
      DGC Producer

      @sunny I already removed the overhead door and closed it in. Good idea though 😜.

  • ohigrow

    February 3, 2025 at 10:01 pm
    DGC Producer

    I feel like I accomplished a lot today. Decided to reuse most of the OSB that was on these 2 walls and piece in the rest with scraps that were laying around, I know its not the prettiest but should save a little bit of $ that can go elsewhere. I plan on giving all of this a good coat of killz before it gets painted white. Still undecided whether I’ll cover the walls with mylar. New insulation in both walls. The spots that are open will get closed after the other walls are up and I connect the rest of the outlets. I got most of the new 12′ wall framed in but Spotify killed my phone before I could get pics. Tomorrow both new walls should be done, electrical work should be done too. Hopefully it will look like a room by the end of the day. 🤞

  • ohigrow

    February 6, 2025 at 10:20 am
    DGC Producer

    Grow room ASSEMBLE! It’s coming along pretty good I think. Walls up and sheeted, locking door and most of the wiring done.




  • ohigrow

    February 13, 2025 at 5:26 pm
    DGC Producer

    I got a few things done this week. The ceiling is insulated and closed in but still needs painted. Trim is up, also needs painted. Several coats of paint on the walls (ultra white). Finished hooking up the electric, unfortunately it doesn’t work. We had issues in the fall and I assumed the breaker went bad. I replaced it a few days ago but it kicks off after an hour or so. I disconnected everything inside and show a ground fault in the supply line. Ugh. I guess I’ll be using new heavy duty extension cords until I can figure it out…. I still have a few things to do. Finish painting, install the vent to the outside and fresh air vent, trim window and door (maybe). I think that’s it. Shouldn’t be long before I start hanging lights. 😀




  • ohigrow

    February 14, 2025 at 10:51 pm
    DGC Producer

    I got my exhaust vent in and put a T on so I can hook 2 blowers/filters up. I wanted a Y but this is all Lowe’s had. I put back draft things in both sides of the T. The power issues are going to take some time to resolve. Since I’ll be running extension cords I put a pipe through the wall, when my cords arrive and get ran I’ll fill this with spray foam insulation. Trim on the inside of the door, it seals up pretty tight with no draft. I have an oil heater running and it’s holding around 68°-69°f with outside temps in the 20’s. The 1000w Aglex is hung and pulled up out of the way. I think that’s everything for today.

    • nobodyhome5150

      February 14, 2025 at 11:05 pm
      Free Membership

      With patterns off internet or from seeing it at the stores. A sheet of aluminum and some big tin snips rivet gun. Build your own t’s and y’s. They charge to much for what you can build yourself.

      I got a couple rolls of mylar not being used. I’d hand them over the fence if we were neighbors

    • FrostedGardenMN

      February 15, 2025 at 5:39 pm
      Free MembershipDGC Producer

      Nice work. Can’t wait to see plants in there!!

  • nobodyhome5150

    February 14, 2025 at 11:00 pm
    Free Membership

    It’s coming alone fast mate.

    Nice job. Going to make a fine jungle 🤙

  • ohigrow

    February 15, 2025 at 7:01 pm
    DGC Producer

    Almost done. I went over budget having to order good cords so the ceiling will have to wait on paint, probably until after this first run. Still waiting on those to arrive. When they get here I can fire everything up and start dialing in the temp and humidity. I really need to invest in a controller but that will have to wait too. I’m going to put my lazy Susan type table on the right side under the HLG 750 Diablo. The DWC buckets will go there. Just a few more days.. 😃




  • surfdad_grows

    February 15, 2025 at 7:04 pm
    DGC Producer

    Niiice. A little TLC made a huge difference. What did you end up doing for that wall to fix the door, reframed the whole wall onto the concrete floor?

    • ohigrow

      February 15, 2025 at 10:07 pm
      DGC Producer

      I talked with @Frank_White about it and have a plan, it’ll be late spring/early summer before I do anything though. I’m going to dig out a few spots under the bottom plate and pour some pads to jack it up slightly and put blocks between the wood and concrete. Hopefully this will stop the settling. I dug a small trench to lower ground today to keep the water from pooling around that corner. We’ll dig it out for real soon and bury some drainage pipe. I think if I can keep the water away everything will be ok until I jack it up. 🤞

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