Cannabis and sleep
Cannabis and sleep
Not exactly grow talk, but didn’t fit anywhere else.
I have been smoking for about 25 years, more or less chronically.
For the last 10 I have been using it as a sleeping aid. All fine.Now for various reasons, my life is changing and I would like to kick the habit of smoking just before hitting the sack, if possible. Maybe my insomnia won’t see that through anyway.
But problem is, since I got so used to getting high before bed I definitely can’t sleep without smoking now. I know it is a common withdrawal symtom, and I dealt with it earlier in my life from time to time, but I wasn’t smoking as much then and it was OK after a couple of sleepless nights.
Now it’s annoying to go on a work trip or whatever and just not being able
to sleep if not smoking. I’m in deep prohibition land so it’s not always
so easy either.I started to google around and all the info you get is how bad cannabis REALLY is and you should absolutely stop it altogether right now because here’s how it ACTUALLY screws up your sleep – and life! And there’s no way you can have a healthy weed-relationship and a healthy sleep pattern.
That’s not even close to what I want. But maybe I’m asking for too much.
When I’m listening to the pod, the guys are talking about tolerance breaks for example. Me I can’t do that, because I can’t sleep without it.Now I vape during the day a few times and in the evening i smoke one joint and then another one before bed time.
I would like to be able to continue vaping during the day and like maybe smoke a joint in the evening a couple of hours before hitting the sack and be able to sleep. And be able to not smoke a day and be able to sleep.
My guess it’s all rituals and what you get your brain used to. I guess I have to bite the bullet and ween off the night smoke and create new habits and a new pattern will form.
Chronic smokers: If you don’t smoke at all one day, can you sleep at night then?
How the hell do you do these tolerance breaks?
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