
  • heavyzakucustom

    October 26, 2024 at 11:04 pm
    Free Membership

    no surprises here.

    One Party has a Canidate from a legal state and a VP who signed the legalization law in his state himself
    the other party of a wishy washy no real stance or policy of his own candidate and a prohibitionist VP.

    a true small government conservative party would legalize and deregulate cannabis and get the government back into the business of governing and not policing people’s gardens. 🇺🇲

    • frogslayer

      October 27, 2024 at 6:55 am
      Free Membership

      Walz can’t even figure out how to sell weed. Democrats and Republicans suck bad. Look up Nolan West of you want to know the reason we even have legal weed. He called out the Democrats and said is this an election ploy or are we actually going to kneecap the income of the cartel for real? You have the entire state government Democrats. Do something now or shut up! That’s how that went down. Democrats still wrecked the rollout cause they can’t even sell weed. Look how over taxed MN is and how instead of lowering taxes or giving the money back like the law states, they find ways to squander it and spend the surplus.

      • heavyzakucustom

        October 27, 2024 at 8:51 am
        Free Membership

        I live in Minnesota, the taxes are not that bad vs the quality of life that all get to enjoy here, including clean water and air. All anyone says about MN is “the taxes are so high” while ignoring the quality of life here and the lower cost of living vs CA or NY. when you have a Ferrari it takes money to maintain that luxury. there are no free lunches, as they must also be paid for and here, in MN they are paid for.

        Politics isnt a vacuum of singular issues, with singular sides and fixes. To approach politics like that does a disservice to the work required to make lasting political change in this country. the poor rollout isnt jsut Walz’s fault, there are a lot of special interests doing everything they can to derail it such as the local microbrew industry, law enforcement agencies, and even some teachers union members, as well as multiple challenges made from GOP members that slowed everything down and pushed us back 6+ months to a year. I am still able to buy tax free weed at the dispensary on the reservations near me, so buying weed retail is 100% possible here.

        Walz picked a bad appointment to lead the OCMn who was a colorado big industry plant and was also selling non-compliant HEMP products in her own stores while punishing competitors for doing the same as well as setting up her pals at BIG WEED CORP. So she was outed and rightfully. Its been much harder to find a replacement as they are getting quadruple vetted and there is more GOP opposition to the appointment to try and slow the roll out more.

        Politics is a different landscape in MN. we dont even have democrats here, we have the Democratic Farmers and Labor Union (DFL) its a socialist party and its been that way the entire time, since before anyone born today was alive anyway and it gives us a very different take vs the coastal fanny flapping we see on the TV “news” stations every single day.

  • RebelRoots

    October 26, 2024 at 11:23 pm
    DGC ProducerFree Membership

    Can we keep politics out of here…. I’m here to get away from this 💩.

    • frogslayer

      October 27, 2024 at 6:51 am
      Free Membership

      Sorry but you just can’t…. Shit politics are why this site even exists. Otherwise this would just be another gardening show.

      • heavyzakucustom

        October 27, 2024 at 8:29 am
        Free Membership

        I long for the day the dude grow show becomes mainstream like a dude BBQ show would

        • frogslayer

          October 27, 2024 at 10:49 am
          Free Membership

          Amen to this! Do we have any mainstream beer shows? Their totally could be but I just don’t know about them? So far the only mainstream we got for a bit was Rogan reefing up all the guests lol . I decent start I’d say.

          • heavyzakucustom

            October 27, 2024 at 12:18 pm
            Free Membership

            only stuff I see is on KARE 11 when they do morning cocktails and its hardly of any substance a more an excuse for them to drink in the mornings lol

          • marizema

            October 29, 2024 at 4:11 am
            DGC ProducerFree Membership

            Vise tried but the host OD. Sadly it was a good show. Wasn’t so much of an interview thing tho

      • RebelRoots

        October 27, 2024 at 5:48 pm
        DGC ProducerFree Membership

        Nah man it would NOT just be a gardening website… legalized cannabis has been in several states for years now. Most people here are from those states, some aren’t. This is about growing dank and helping each other. Politics just brings a bad vibe and causes disagreements. If it’s gonna be part of this site I’m more than happy to leave. Just my opinion, but if I keep seeing it here I’m out.

        • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by  RebelRoots.
  • Unknown Member

    October 27, 2024 at 8:58 am


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