Honestly its super duper easy to make canna butter. Take 7-14 (21 if you have a really high tolerance) GRAMS and put it in a small canning jar (16 oz aka pint sized). Put in 2 sticks of CLARIFIED butter or GHEE butter. THERE IS NO NEED TO DECARB. It will happen in the process. Put your jar inside a boiling pot of water with the lid closed. Let it go for 2 and a half hours. Take off and let it cool enough so that you don’t burn yourself but also still warm so that it’s easier to strain. Strain with cheesecloth. The more you squeeze the cheese cloth, the more green taste you get into the butter. It’s all about what you want out of it. I get butter that isnt even green. It looks mostly like butter. It does have a slight taste but nothing crazy because I leave the nugs the size of a dime or slightly bigger. Grinding it up will make it more green and taste worse. The liquid will permeate through the flower and grab all the thc. And that is basically it. Super easy. Doesnt smell until you open the jar after cooking it. But the actual cooking process is very much sealed and doesn’t smell. You could even light an incense right before you open the jar and nobody should be able to smell it as long as you wrap up before the incense is out. I have done this in an apartment before with zero smell. EZ PZ, hardly no smell, canna butter. ✌