Watts per sqft?
Watts per sqft?
This run I’m in the 5×5 with 2 320w HLGs. That is just over 25 watts per square. I’ve read 40 watts over and over. I’ve flowered this room with these fixtures a few times now, and from what I can tell I’ve have had pretty good harvests. Over 1g a watt which I know isn’t any record but at the time for a novice, I was pleased. I’m not growing for weight, or to break any yield records, but mostly for quality and my mental health. But I would like to know I’m bringing the genetics I’m running to their potential, or at least close to. All that said, 1000 watts of LEDs for a 5×5 sounds like alot. I’m currently in week 3 of flower, lights are about 16 inches from tops and I’m running both lights about 60% at the moment. Any advice or information is greatly appreciated DGC!
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