Immobile nutrient deficiency help
If this damage was just on the lower leaves I’d say pull them and don’t worry if the new growth looked healthy. I’m seeing random damage all over the plant on the tips of the leaves leading me to believe you’ve got a bit too much available nutrition. I’d back off the Fox Farm Trio nutrients. Deficiencies can easily be corrected in soil over a…
Immobile nutrient deficiency help
This interveinal chlorosis is the start of a magnesium deficiency. 1 tsp of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) per gallon of water will correct your issue.
Good breeder recommendations! @wrath420
Thanks for the insight Mystro! I want to add you can have a smaller root mass, just a lot more work. I remember seeing 2gal grow bags in a grow with great buds, plants were 3 to 4ft tall. BUT they were watered on auto irrigation schedule like 6 times a day!
ohigrow -
Perfect environment and nutrition. Equal amount of light, canopy and roots. People love blasting light. People love a wide, thick canopy. People seem to hate roots though. They’re almost always neglected because you can’t see them. Limit root mass, limit yield.
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