So are we saying that if the pots not that smelly and I run charcoal filter in my tents and a super large can charcoal filter as a room scrubber, that maybe she wouldn’t make me ghost my grow in weeks 4 to 6?
I can’t smoke in the house and I smell of roaches of half burned bowls, I hear about it.
I past i had charcoal filters going, no air scrubbers though. But always could still smell the weed. Can’t remember if it was the grow, the stash, or just me. Seemed to always smell the dank.
If my grow smell can’t be contained, she will just shut me…
If you smoke it, grow it or just love the way the light bounces off the pastels in the morning. The smell of skunk is pleasingly nice. But to some, it’s nasty and/or they are allergic to the smell. Yep, that’s my wife. The same girl, who 25 years ago, I filled her with the bro science and shotgun hits till I had her hardened off. Even started 1…
I’m just curious,
But what happen when a member or non-paying non producer member has a melt down in here?
Just Curious
When your old dumbass can’t remember what freaking day it is, dissides to drill out the rivets in your old inline fan used to move air ( unfiltered air) to cool your hps bulbs.
So I sitting out back, just a sliding glass door and 20 ft to my grow.
Can’t afford a new quite inline fan so I drill out the rivets on the old used one that was the…
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