If starting with seed, you’ll want to find your girl and start cloning her.
Net cups is the key. Roots grow down thru the net cup and into the dwc reservoir. Just like they do in the plug hole in the jiffy planter 10×20 tray. Using plug or cube, the clones roots come out sideways and mostly grow downwards. The trick is to get them early when…
Fishwali, ohigrow and 2 others -
matty_trichs and kmart420
matty_trichs, surfdad_grows and 2 others
They need a forum for, " when I'm stoned"
Baking away on gummies today,
I had a thought. Being that I’m stuck in flight mode with my anxiety.
Which mode am I switching to when I’m getting high?
Fight or flight??
Fight-fighting the pain and dulldrums. Not letting the depression when. Refusing to give up?
Flight-running away. Escaping.
Walking with clouded eyes
Comfortably Numb
I wrote this…
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