avoiceinthewildgrow posted an update 2 months ago
Anyone know what this is and how to remedy it? It’s working its way from the bottom up old to new and has been in 2 of 3 pheno from purple Mac from there pop. Mold maybe genetics?
Looks like a Calcium issue to me but I’m guessing if she was in my garden I would give her some calcium but if she was in my garden I would know what the medium has in it and what I’ve been feeding her but I don’t know what you have been feeding her and what soil she’s in because you don’t provide any info just a picture and I don’t want to…
Id check ph of your run off next watering. Do you ph you feed? Are you using calmag? I had issues when i get some stronger cal mag where my ph dropped and locked out my nutes. Cal showed first. The stems look a little dark… could be genes or could be low ph locking you out anything below 5.6 in my opinion is danger zone
worm castings and peat with dry 444 amendments, they are about 4 weeks old. I do ph the water to around 6.5 but have not checked they’re run off yet. I will give some cal mag next water.
danknuggardens and ohigrow