• Rookie here and I am wondering why I have rust colored spots on the leaves? Will they be able to finish? Should I chop? Or let go a couple more weeks? It’s day 50 ish from seed.

    Phenominal_Phenos and budzlife
    • Looks like they’re just finishing to me.. how do the trichomes look, I usually go a couple weeks past what the breeder says and more at times

      • I’d definitely see if they can finish. One pic looks like calcium deficiency which wouldn’t be a problem at this point, but other pics look like a root zone issue.

        Id watch it and chop if it gets too close to the buds, but I’d see if it could finish

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    • Profile photo of ben_grillin

      ben_grillin posted an update 4 months ago

      4 months ago (edited)

      Hey Dudes. I’m new to the community. This is my second grow and mistakes were made. Sweet seeds Autos. Black Cream and Dark Devil. I think it probably cal mag but not sure. Cheap coco/perlite. Organic Nutes 4-4-4 and 2-8-4. Bottled water no ph tester.

      eazeandlax, danknuggardens and 7 others
      • You got BUD….and it didn’t give you hives!!! That’s a successful grow! There are things we ALL want to improve in our grows, and this might be the best place to learn from! Congrats on a successful SECOND grow!! Looks really tastey! 🫠

        Welcome to the DGC!!!

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      • <— On his 15th grow…still makin’ mistakes.

        • That dark devil tastes and smells amazing! I’ve grown it before. It can be finicky.

          • Great job!! I’ve grown dark devil several times. She does NOT like flushing. Run your nutes all the way to the end. Lite on the nitrates during the last weeks and a little bloom booster worked great for me