ben_grillin posted an update
Rookie here and I am wondering why I have rust colored spots on the leaves? Will they be able to finish? Should I chop? Or let go a couple more weeks? It’s day 50 ish from seed.
phenominal_phenos and budzlife-
Looks like they’re just finishing to me.. how do the trichomes look, I usually go a couple weeks past what the breeder says and more at times
I’d definitely see if they can finish. One pic looks like calcium deficiency which wouldn’t be a problem at this point, but other pics look like a root zone issue.
Id watch it and chop if it gets too close to the buds, but I’d see if it could finish
@unk_curleys_cannabis_emporium thanks unk. I think it may be the tobacco virus. idk. I smoked cigarettes around my plants. Im chopping it next week. Gonna try again with a new tent and light and grow dots and recharge.