so a quick sanity check for my ph pen is my tap water. I know its ph and I test tap water first everytime I use the pen. It’s no calibration, just a quick check. Tap water is also the first I test after I callibrated the pen and your
water supplier should be able to give you the ph for the water they pump
into the pipes. My ph pen btw is…milkie -
played around with citric acid lately? coz that’s pretty close to what my plants looked like when I did. what do you use to ph your water? and you’re saying it’s not your pen but it doesn’t matter how expensive it was or what brand it is, just check that it actually shows the correct ph, tho, I assume you do calibrate it regularly.
but yeah…
I ordered the IR15, should arrive monday.
I intend do use it to get the “wake them up” and “put them to sleep” effect. not entirly sure about the exact timing yet but people usually say 10-20 min before and after lights go on and off. to mimic sunrise and sunset. (sun over the horizon->light has to travel longer through the atmosphere->…
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