• not complaining but do you ever think your girls or say autos some of them are growing a bit slowerlike i think im already in the second month but mybe i should change the time i say i sprouted them ? instead of germination timing as well added make sense ?

    BigDawg615, 2acanna-king and ol-no-7
    • I don’t count germination as part of the grow schedule… as a matter of fact I don’t count the first week after that because they have their own nutrients in the seed. A lot of variables can stunt the growth of a seedling from the get go..

      • I’m running autos from mephisto genetics, they refer to the days between sprout and veg as “zero days.”

        The clock technically doesn’t start for them until they’ve hit their second or third node.

        This run of deez nuggs I’m doing now…

        Seeds got put in water 20 days ago. Germinated seeds got put into soil (well coco choir, but yea) 17 days ago.


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      • I’ve heard multiple breeders on on podcasts say day one is the day you plant the seed. That’s when I start counting.

        But I also only use the breeders flowering times as a very very rough estimate.

        Your environment…lighting, nutrients, temps, humidity etc.. will change the timing….

      • ✌️

        SurfDad_grows, sasquatchimo and 12 others
        1 Comment
      • When do you start training your autos?

        today is day 19 on these tropchem candied cheese auto by Babylon burning selections, I germinated in solos, about day 3-4 I transplanted to one gals, and about a week ago they reached final home in these tall 5 gallon pots… I used 5 table spoons of grow dots to the 5 gallons of super soil and recharge this…

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        sasquatchimo, texasgrows and 10 others
        • Looks good.

          I too transplant my autos when I grow them. I started with autos and being a life long gardener already I just naturally used transplanting…works just fine.


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