guppygirl posted an update 5 months ago
ohigrow posted an update 6 months ago
Intercanopy lighting? Something I’ve thought about, good to see some actually research being done. Maybe a topic for the show..
5 weeks into flower just using Grow Dots and recharge. Plant tips are showing a little bit of brown and curling up. Not bad. But is it nute burn? Figured the dots were pretty mild. First grow with them. Anyone have ideas?
Pictures would help.
How many tablespoons dots to container size?
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What’s your medium?
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How is your environment? If the curling is only at the top of the plant then low humidity/high temps speed up transpiration rates faster than the plant can transport water which messes up the stomatas and curls/dries the leaf.
If the curling is all over could also be underwatered and therefore nute burn.
Hard to say for sure without more details.
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She’s just feeding hard at the stage she’s in and getting her nails done it’s not a problem she’s just processing a bunch of food and you might be letting her dry back a little bit to much between waterings and the nutrients are getting condensed into the little bit of water that she has left before you water her again?