• My perpetual grow is rocking! All my friends are getting free weed for their birthdays lol! I’m harvesting 3 plants every 3 weeks and I need to start doing a little more consuming! Big Thanks to JR Tokin for the badass strains! OG #2, EmergenC & of corse Cherry Paloma hiding in back. Loving this production out of a 6×12 room with under 2K Watts…

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    durzoblint20, donkey-arm-nuggs and 39 others
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  • Profile photo of one-eyed-cat

    one-eyed-cat posted an update 7 weeks ago

    7 weeks ago (edited)

    his weeks DGC Producer giveaway has been posted in the Giveaway channel. The winner will be chosen Monday and announce on the Wednesday show! To Enter, visit https://realdgc.com/groups/giveaways/ and post a comment under the pinned post, for your chance to win.

    ohigrow, QualicumChronic and 2 others
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  • Profile photo of scottyreal

    scottyreal posted an update 8 weeks ago

    8 weeks ago (edited)

    Next week I’ll Be hanging out with the good Dr. Bruce Bugbee himself! I’ve got a ton of questions for him, but what about you all? Leave me some questions & topic ideas in the comments. TBH I’ve got my own list a mile long! What have you got? Growers Love!

    superdave00, tark3469 and 61 others
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    • He’s a lighting expert from what I’ve seen on youtube. I’ve got lights, what else does he have expertise in?

      • He has a Doctorate in Horticulture, and is currently teaching plant nutrition, plant physiology, and environmental instrumentation at Utah State University. Many Accolades.

        • “What observations did you make that led you to propose extending PAR?”

          • Would like to know his thoughts on supplemental lighting in correlation with c02 if it still helps without a high co2 say average co2 is 500-600 . Also the amount of time he would run each and during what part of the light cycle doing a 18-6 on autoflowers

            • Supplemental UV lights how long to run and how often to boost trichome production? Please and Thank you

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