Maybe a 30% savings on electric (bad with math) but interesting if they flower sooner once flipped.
Thinking of trying this in veg to save some money. People also claim that helps speed up flower. People also think it’s nuts. Lights would be
12 on 5 1/2 off 1 on 5 1/2 off
The 1 hour on prevents going into flower. Saves 5 hours of electricity increases a hormone for flowering. Probably confuse energy company too. What could go wrong? What does the DGC say?
Best way for me. Put in shot glass dark spot I check every day once I get a 1/4 or so tap root into the soil. Have to be delicate of course. I think key is they have to float. If they sink take them out and go to plan b. I believe the idea is if they are floating the top of seed has oxygen. If they were to sink and stay in water they would…
burny and ohigrow -
I have good results with side lighting. Can put some spider farmer glow80 on tent poles. I see big difference. May be I’m under lit from the top? What got me into the side lights was the phototron backin the day. One of its selling points was close internode spacing
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