Maryland here thankfully electric is not that expensive here. Not yet at least. Just thinking why pay for it if you don’t need too. As well as say reducing carbon footprint. I’ll post some pictures soon but I’ve noticed the internode distance has decreased. Will be helpful with stretchy types. I have a feeling this will cut a week off flower as…
shel -
Respect. I’m trying to save what I can. Growing saves so much unbelievable to begin with. I’m trying to squeeze it a bit. Hey if I can cut 5 hours of power that makes me green? I’m bad with math but if all indoor cut 20-30% that actually is something?
Gonna document start now. Look for nannas. Gave a defol little rough like a goat with a fence. Hopefully two weeks. Watch for nannas
ohigrow, becker420 and 3 others -
Definitely feel good helping out. Basement situation. Everything on wheels gets harder every day. Trying to front run a bit
Hash, surfdad_grows and 2 others -
So I’m gonna change the time now. They are Jack Herer clones. Grown it a couple times so I have some familiarity. Hopefully I can experiment for a couple weeks before they get too tall. Gonna mostly run side lights for now and use one of the top lights for the hour on. ACI control doesn’t seem to work for more than one light cycle day. Anyway…
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