dude posted an update 3 months ago
Right now, a 3-way war between hemp farmers, commercial growers, and big pharma seems to be brewing. Find out what it means for you.
silentbill, hippiegranny and 11 othersView more comments-
Just gonna keep overgrowing… Regardless.
De-schedule, allow for home growing and care taking. I’m not onboard with anything else.
Big pharma has made enough money, and so has the government…
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CBD has different drug interactions than THC in my experience. CBD is a receptor hog in my body. THC plays well with others.
Screw all of them and grow your own. They fighting over which one of them gets our cookie.
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I’m a nurse. Big pharmacy needs to stay largely out of it. They screw everything up and/or over. Let this Divinely gifted plant do what it was meant to do. Be medicine for those who need it. Can’t grow here. We just got legal medical a year or two ago. No grow. Very limited in how much you can get at dispensary. And EXPENSIVE for this area.…
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Let freedom Ring!
Jim Safford Wildwood Weed;
The wildwood flower grew wild on the farm,
And we never knowed what it was called.
Some said it was a flower and some said it was weed,
I never gave it much thought
One day I was out there talking to my brother,
Reached down for a weed to chew on,
Things got fuzzy and things got blurry,
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