• Got something going on with one of my grows that I have not really dealt with before. I have two Humboldt Trainwreck plants going in Canna Coco and using their nutrient package. They seem really dry, like they were cut out of crêpe paper. Their coloration was pretty light and I had some spots that appeared to be a magnesium deficiency so I added a hand watering with additional Cal-Mag and that seems to have helped a bit. 5 gallon reservoir with ppm of 740 per the Canna schedule. 80/20 Coco mix in seven gallon fabric bags. Watering to waste roughly a pint every ten hours and an appropriately pH’d dose of Recharge every week. Is this a strain that just doesn’t take to Coco and canon? I have trouble believing that. I have grown it before in soil and Dots with fantastic results. Hoping to get these up and cloned for the SoG addiction I’m suffering.

      • jmystro (edited)

        You’re under-watering them. A pint every 10 hours in a 7 gallon pot is not keeping the coco evenly saturated. They probably need about a gallon a day at that size. Water to run off when you water in coco.

        • @jmystro I’ll up the amount while keeping the frequency for now. Do I need to feed constantly at the increased rate or should I add straight pH’d water in between each nutrient bath?

          • The plants are not very big and don’t need watering to runoff everyday in a 7 gallon pot at this point. Water with nutrients to run off every 2-3 days until the plants are bigger and need more frequent watering. Don’t water without nutrients as it’ll strip out elements like nitrate, phosphate and sulfate until the very end of flower. It’s hard to over-water coco with an established plant. A grower could run in to a salt build up when allowing the coco to get too dry. This will concentrate minerals that form salts like calcium phosphate. This is why using too much calcium can be a problem. It locks up phosphate as well. Salts can also form with frequent high ppm watering because plants uptake more water than minerals. You will not have any issues with salt build up at the ppm you’re running with Canna. Keep the pH around 6 and you’re good. Your plants don’t need calcium and using too much will do more harm than good. Switch to Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) for a bump in magnesium. Some plants are calcium hungry and some plants are magnesium hungry. Some want more of both. Most plants will be happy with Canna’s base nutrients, but every now and again you’ll find a needy one.

            • @jmystro That makes way better sense. So I ran the irrigation until I got enough runoff and killed the timer until I feel the pot dry up. I know this… I’ve had my head in my a$$ and I don’t know why I’ve been so weirded out about the Canna nutes and soiless media. New tricks, old dog I guess. Everything else is good just these two. I’ll check on them again tonight and see if they’ve perked up at all.
