Wouldn’t hurt! I’m taking it this time. I’ll have to find my manual but I believe it was 2 years of warranty. They’re shipping domestic now, I hear, so that might be worth the paper it’s written in at least.
I bought the Aglex 800 last June on Amazon. There’s always a $150 off coupon too, it appears. It was another $60 for the cables to get the drivers out of the tent (-15° up high!) and has performed kick ass for my needs. I use Conroller 69’s on everything and it interfaces well with a $10 cable.
I’ll take another for that price!!
I need to get my hands on one to analyze the circuit and I’ll build it!! There’s maybe $50 of parts and pieces there. An arduino kit is $20 and Yard sales and Craigslist free section is our friend! Last year I converted an old wine fridge into a cure box and it’s done well. Sensors for temp and RH and a way to pull humidity out quick was…
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