PH??? I know there are many opinions on whether we should pH our water or not, especially in an organic grow. I am growing in soil organically outside this year. My water out of the tap is 200ppm but over 9 PH. I have been using PH down to get around 6.5 (using Dota and Recharge). I’m not too picky about the number as long as it isn’t 9. I…
vancerefridgeration, terpking and eazeandlaxView more comments-
I’m still using a little in my granite hard water. I also use the Dots and Recharge. I haven’t stopped out of fear. lol.
Recharge fa da buffer mane fucc PH and grow dots
or let the earth do the works n ph down is bad for the microbes plus it adds bad salts to your soil
I’m extremely lucky and have extremely good source water. After 24 hours of dechlorination the pH is 7 and the EC is negligible.
If I use just under the manufacturers recommendations regarding dose my pH settles around 5.8 – 6.0 and the EC is below lockout levels.
Can’t complain.
in the ground or in a pot? def not needed in the ground unless your soil is really outta whack. should be fine in a pot with microbes!
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Just send it. Outside is magic! 🤣
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Are there any New England/North East NY growers who would like to start a DGC East meetup? I am happy to coordinate if there is interest.
theuglyfarmer, danknuggardens and 2 others -
Water more or water more often
Experiment on a plant or two, not an entire run. You don’t want to try something new and ruin a run if it doesn’t work out the way you were hoping for. Watering more often with less water is a crop-steering technique used by commercial grows for better yields.
@scottyreal I have heard you talk about old-school I.C.E a few times. I have three I.C.E. and a White Widow growing in Grow Dots and Recharge (in year-old Foxfarm Ocean Forest/Happy Frog soil). The grow is so incredibly easy!! They prey most every day!!
Updated pics from a few minutes ago.
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How many runs has the year old Ocean Forest gone?
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Week 7 day 3 of flower
Nailed it! Ice from nirvana seed bank! Them beans started my game!
Looks good. Great start. You’re in a great place to get great skate and get advice if needed.
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