Just know that all plants are full of PGRs (hormones). Saying PGRs are bad is like saying water is bad without giving any context as to why. Water can kill or give life.
Nutrient staining is a thing with some product lines. Nothing to freak out over if the plants are healthy.
Seeds are lottery tickets. It’s possible to win the lottery. Odds are not in your favor. Connoisseurs are willing to sort through the trash. When and if a grower finds something truly worth keeping from seed. The ability to clone is priceless.
broncogrow, surfdad_grows and Hash -
I wrote this 10 years ago but the info is still solid.
Hash -
I know the feeling. My cancer kept me out of the grow for over two years until I was finally able to recover from surgery. Now I’m back on the grind I live for. Proper prior planning is a very large part of perpetual growing that you sound familiar with. More veg space is always needed. I try to at least have as much veg space as flower…
pops-1 and Fishwali - Load More