Colloidal Silver, Making Feminized Seed and Combining Genetics.
I was typing up an edit to include that! 🤘🏼
surfdad_grows and twilightstoned -
Colloidal Silver, Making Feminized Seed and Combining Genetics.
It’ll all drive ya batty at some point!🤣 I’m getting excited again finally. Nail the environment and a strain you can manage multiple ways and go!🤘🏼
I might not create something that never existed in some other iteration, but it will be something I made manifest and that’s all any of us are chasing I guess. I’m sure it’ll get frustrating…
Colloidal Silver, Making Feminized Seed and Combining Genetics.
Both plants will get covered in the pollen, don’t see why it wouldn’t work out. For those unaware don’t smoke the flower of a plant sprayed with colloidal silver.
theterpsmithofdank -
Colloidal Silver, Making Feminized Seed and Combining Genetics.
So I’m at a point where I have the space with separate ventilation where I can begin to start learning something new. My first step was gathering all the basics and figuring out a way to segregate a branch repeatedly without beating the plant up too badly. Easy peasy.
I have pollinated a lady and gathered a few seeds now. Soaking a few to raise…
surfdad_grows, twilightstoned and shel -
Keep super glue and tape on you, maybe even toothpicks as splints in case you get a salvageable break beyond what was intended.
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