• Popped in 5 different kinds of tomatoes and 5 different hot peppers in the planter this afternoon, watered in with recharge! Then top dressed all the kentia palms with real growers ultimate palm dots.

    ohigrow, herb_hermit and 2 others
  • 1 of 3 from my last 2×4 harvest. End Game × XXX. Smells strong of grape cool aide dusted in wet stinky armpits. Smokes really berry and sweet smelling. Really liking this one.

    arsixx, azhomegrown and 16 others
    1 Comment
    • Wet sticky armpits…. Now that’s a description I haven’t heard for cannabis yet 🤣

    • Chilling out in the back! Colorado cool aid in the socal sunset! Ethos lilac diesel × planet of the grapes.

      danknuggardens, budwinjones and 2 others
    • Ethos auto banana rf7 freebie. My first auto ever, stowed seed straight in the 7 gal fabric pot, layered soil, FF ocean forest and Mother Earth coco with down to earth dry amendments. (Main base layer with flower and bud, langbeinite, crab meal, all purpose, humic, and worm castings.) Left about a 1/4 gal hole on top that’s amended with…

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      cosmiccow, sasquatchimo and 4 others
    • Irie genetics 4 weeks old, Frequency Shift and Gorilla Goat. Both topped at 5th node. In my 2×2×4 with hlg 65, germinated seeds Recharge paper towel 2 days later popped them in 50/50 mix of FF ocean forest and Mother Earth coco and amended with Down to Earth seed starter dry organics. Water in Recharge every other time.

      sasquatchimo, budwinjones and danknuggardens
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