Genetics. Plenty of genetics will rot at 70% RH. Some won’t. Never make a blanket statement about cannabis.
pete77 -
65% is high enough for mold and mildew to form but it’s mainly a concern with large dense flowers. Huge colas can have a micro-climate inside. You really want to stay under 60% RH with good air flow in flower to ensure nothing takes hold.
pete77 -
This leaf is not exhibiting a magnesium issue. A leaf does not tell a story. We need to see the whole plant to give advice. Where ‘damaged’ leaves are on the plant matters.
pete77 -
@j-r-tokin has only bred with his wife. No plants yet. 😜
He does sell clones though.
krommm, gato420 and 4 others -
Leaf deformities tend to to be caused by some type of root stress brought on quickly. Typically from an out of range pH or root pests.
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