• Week 3 of flower 12 tsp. Grow dots for each lady in a 5 gal. Pot I have gmo, peanut butter breath,&white Russian X Bruce banner I give them recharge once a week cal mag and silicium here and there just haven’t ben able to keep the humidity down in lights off here in Virginia for the past 2 weeks never had this issue I have humidifier in the…

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    eazeandlax, greencascade122 and 10 others
    • whats it like in the room your tent is in. ? im in virginia also. i keep dehumidifier outside my tent and control the room tent is in with temps and humidity. works great.

      • All you can do is more air flow and a thinner canopy , or use a dehumidifier. Good tip outside the tent xdave420x they do produce some heat that would be hard to manage. If you use the humidifier turn it off hour or so before lights out and back on an hour after lights on. I’d remove most of the big fan leaves too , idea being to prevent any…

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        • I’m on the Southwest side near the new river an I continuously have to run dehumidifier in my lung room. I’m using my basement but without the dehumidifier I am looking at 72% RH.. I can’t rest easy with that 🤣🤣

        • Reply to DGC East Meetup?

          One eyed cat cannabis is in Connecticut and does the east dgc I belive I could be wrong

        • Reply to DGC East Meetup?

          I’m kinda close lol I’m in VA I got family in Boston

        • How many tent vents do you guys leave open ??? 🤔 lol

          rencortez, johnnypotsmokr and chonkynugz
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          • What stage of life are your flowers in? The stage of life will affect the answer. For example, you can’t afford light leaks during flower.

            That said, I don’t leave any open, as there is more potential for unwanted debris, pests, and light leaks. I use my inline (6″ in, 8″ out) and oscillating fans for circulation. I have my exhaust fan set to…

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          • Mine is 1 vent Quarter way open or it will not maintain humidity inside the tent.

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          • Currently my flower tent has one vent open with a screen over it and also facing a wall that remains with no light all the time except for when the tent is open.

            But my veg tent has no inline atm, so it is completely opened up to allow max air flow while I have teo fans moving air inside. It is keeping humidity in a good range without an…

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            • Thank you all for the input somthn so simple of a question just was never talked about on the show ….. best community in the world

              • None. I use a supply air fan. I use an ac infinity fans (one each) to supply and exhaust the air. This way I can filter the air before it enters the tent and keep all the flaps closed. This way I can control whether I have a positive or negative airflow within the tent. Supply air comes in the bottom and exhausts out the top.

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              • Probably the easiest question ever but never been asked how many tent vents do you guys and gals leave open ?have you gotten herms due to light leaking in the open vents?

                • I’ve always been paranoid about that so I’m not sure if it’ll cause a herm light leak

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