Papaya Cookies fastbuds tester autoflower 6tsp growdots ocean forest soil recharge once a week had her on aci self watering base that is self wicking buttchugin for the win silicium foliar feed with optic foliar winterfrost 3x towards the end to shut her down she smells sweet and fruity she stupid thicc and sticky
Are these more stock photos trying to sell us leafy autos? Remember when real people used to post pics of weed they were actually growing at the time of the picture? This is wrecking the realdgc dank nugs thread.
Mephisto genetics Girl Scout Monkeys day 60 from seed autoflower 3 gal pot ocean forest soil 6 tsp of growdots recharge and silicium once a week winterfrost in her end of days she got some funky with a hint of sweetness but she is dank ” @If you ain’t DGC you need to be”
Looking good man 😍😍
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Question for the dgc fam have any of you used growdots in a solo cup for a whole life cycle and if so how much grow dots would you use for 16oz. Of media ???🤙
i used 1 teaspoon of grow dots in my red solo cup
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One eyed cat cannabis is in Connecticut and does the east dgc I belive I could be wrong
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