Colors from what I’ve been told come out through cold temperatures. So if you want colorful flowers and your Cultivar has a color in its name. You can bring it out that way.
This will also change the flavor/composition of the buds of course. I’ve had friends say they don’t like colorful buds due to their effects.
Just to put it out there. It is possible it is a PH issue and that prevents uptake of nutrients.
So people saying its nutrient issues are on point, But its usually due to PH issues. I made a post showing my Lemon Balm doing the same thing. it got put in a tent that was too hot and the VPD went way out of whack and the stems purpled up and all…
matty_trichs and jbong -
ZoomyCat posted an update a week ago
My head is killing me, If some of my messages are less than coherent tonight then please forgive me. I’m doing my best to help people regardless of how I feel because I have the answers people need. I see that some of my messages are a little mixed though.
Migraines are not fun.
ZoomyCat to bnr, dude, scottyreal and grambo a week ago
@bnr @dude @scottyreal @grambo
I’ve been thinking that while the chat feature on the site is nice… Its got some definite lag aspect that makes communicating and teaching each other about growing more difficult.Can we branch off and get an official discord going as well so the members can talk and connect easier? If this is too much work on… Read more
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ZoomyCat posted an update a week ago
I just got to say, I love the growers I’ve been connecting with. I love teaching people the things I’ve researched and found out.
I second that one!
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