Da greenhouse in Montana is happy! Black Maple Strawberry Guava, Pineapple Express, Dr Sleep, Orange Cream Pop, Smartiez, Wedding Crashers, Jokerz 31 in living soil done The Rev’s way TLO Druid protocols…😎
scottgrows, twinterptwerps and 12 others -
Yo @bnr , can you put up the new cup vid from YT here? Or Patreon? Or do I have to join YT to see that video? Are y’all trying to get us to buy multiple DGC sponsorships? One for RealDGC, one for YT, one for Patreon…just trying to figure out what’s going on here, can you help a brother out? Thanks
uncle-strawberry, terpking and bnrView more comments-
I had the same question
lol no – we’re trying to switch from Patreon to RealDGC because RDGC has superior features. if you have a membership here you will have access to all paid content. we are not posting the regular show here. Are you talking about the Smoke Break from the Cup? Have you seen the Smoke Break Group?
I think it’s the polished video of the event y’all did. It’s up on YouTube as members only
So join here and cancel the Patreon? And that will unlock content on YouTube? I smoke too much weed to get this shizzle straight 😂
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drwhip posted an update 7 months ago
What’s up DGC!? Just harvested Glazed Grapes from Square One and Quikz from Compound Genetics. Tasted them both for the first time yesterday and I think they’re gonna be bangers once they cure for a bit. Can’t beat the smooth flavor with living soil 💜🪴