• Reply to OhighO Homegrowers DGC 513


    plant-daddy, treesmkr1 and 11 others
  • Frozen OG day 10 of flower growmies

    enchantedgrowculture, Papa_Shaman and 2 others
    • I’m no expert but why not use the net for training your buds. Check into it. More weight at finish time

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    • They are gonna need another layer of trellis if you don’t tuck those mains… Just saying ✌️

      Looking healthy and vigorous.

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  • This Green Crack 💚 ❄️.

    Taking this light like a champ 💪

    enchantedgrowculture and ohigrow
  • I felt that I was posting too much so I took a few days off. I’m just too excited for my first real grow. Day 12 since sprout.

    enchantedgrowculture, ohigrow and 4 others
    • Growing is so exciting! Watch that your seedling doesn’t stretch until it flops, you can add a little medium to support her. Maybe water a little just near the plant while it’s so small so your medium can dry out some between watering, encouraging root stretch.

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    • There’s no such thing as posting too much @silentbill

      • Looking Good 👍

        • Awesome, just keep an eye and add it if needed but yea about an inch but not higher than the first sprout leaf because bellow that acts like a water resistant sleeve where above that it can cause rot. It’s a fine line with light intensity with seedlings, too close they burn and too far they stretch and possibly pinch themselves when they… Read more

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        • Those are good parameters for light distance but lights vary so much nowadays and with the dimmers you have more options. I try and listen to my plants and let them tell me what they like. I got some seeds that love more intensity from the start and some who stress even with the light backed off.

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      • So I have zero experience in curing and drying I got my tent set at about 60-65 running about the same for humidity I’m on day three of drying went in there and I’m smelling a very light hay smell not strong hay very faint but it’s making me nervous is this a normal thing to experience. This is my first grow and everything’s been on point so…

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        enchantedgrowculture, igro4myhealth and ohigrow
        • Temps are fine. Humidity you want to keep it at 60. If you didn’t trim fan leaves before harvest and it’s a big bush hanging in the tent It could smell like hay. It will probably take 10-14 days to dry to where you get a little stem snap. Once dried and then trimmed the hay will be gone. Good luck and don’t rush it!

          • No worries.. That smell is the chlorophyll breaking down. It will go away. I have a carbon filter in my dry tent to keep it from seeping into the rest of the house.

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