• Lighting question. What ppfd/dli should I be shooting for? I’m using an app called PPFD Meter that is showing ppfd 759 and dli 66 at canopy which is 18″ below lights. The app is reporting these readings as ‘HIGH’, no pun intended! 😜

      • I’ve found that following manufacturers hanging height and then watching to how they respond is best. There are so many variables to what is right for your environment, genetics and grow style.

        • What stage of growth you in ? The more

          light you give the more you need to feed them I like 850-1000 mid flower feeding at 2.8-3 ec but without more info we are just guessing if your in veg then you would be at a much lower ppfd the info is everywhere just google ppfd growth chart

          • Cool. I’m in veg right now. Grabbed a non co2 chart off the internetz. Dropped my lights to 350 PPFD according to chart. Will monitor things and see how it goes.

          • Plants can be acclimated to more intense light as they develop. How much light a plant can handle is not written on any chart. There is no perfect ppfd as it changes throughout each stage of growth. There are general numbers to start with and go from there. Seedlings and clones need very little light at around 100-200 ppfd. As they get bigger in veg you want to be between 400-600 ppfd. At peak flower they may handle over 1000 ppfd. You’ll need to find out by experimenting. You want the fixture as close as possible without being too intense so they don’t get scraggly thin and stretchy with too little light too far away. I want my lights 6-12 inches above my plants in veg and about 12-14 inches away during flower. They’re dimmed accordingly.

            • @jmystro Now who could argue with such sound info? You da man Mystro!

              • Much love bro. Genetics that evolved close to the equator need less intense light generally. Plants that evolved up in the northern mountains can handle far more intense light. Depending on which way the hybrid you’re growing leans will determine how much light it can handle.

          • 18 hrs on – seedling 300-400, veg 300-600, strain dependant

            12 hrs on- flower 850-1000 is dank

            11hrs on like i do, 950-1100 is dank
