i_b_toppin posted an update 2 months ago
Little downtime, 84 square feet, 1825w total Led fixtures, I highly recommend building your own. Tents are all well and good, but a self made lovely lady enclosure Tends to lead to higher satisfaction. Static pressure differential is minimized with a rigid structure… Now I’m bullshitting, but I highly recommend building your own. It’s just…
I agree Im @ 100 square feet and run right @2000w with 4 lights one being my scorpion Diablo x
I’m actually getting better results and less environmental fidgeting from my -$200, 2×2 frame panda film enclosures (80 sqft) under 900 watts than I do from my 4×4 @ 800. It is indeed an awesome feeling when it works out and you get to save $… to buy seed and coco!🤘🏼
Headed to a friends this evening with 60 ft of 2x2s, a box of screws, a…