So trying to get a opinion on upgrading my light in my 5×5 I already have their whole grow controller setup and everything else so I kind of want to stick with this brand my question is why would it say for veg it’ll cover a 5×5 but for flower it’ll only cover 4×4 and does anyone have any experience with this light or if anyone knows any better lights that’ll work with the vivason grow controller that’s better I would take any recommendations
spazekadet, surfdad_grows and Sasquatch-
5×5 for veg and 4×4 for flower is about the light spread and intensity at the edge zones. look at the ppfd map for the fixture. at the edge of the 5×5 map you should have enough light to veg but might not have enough to flower to fulll potential. so for someone looking for a light just for veg or just for flower this can be useful. but usually you want to look at the ppfd map and decide for yourself. it should be more than fine to veg and flower in a 5×5 but you might not want to overcrowd the place/tent coz the plants at the edge wont get enough light in flower, so they’ll be fine for veg
@BePennjier thank you very much this is my first time using LEDs since I started growing again and this is definitely a learning curve and I definitely understand that overcrowding too I did that on this run I’m getting a little too overzealous appreciate the feedback
@goop-co if you are new to LEDs I highly recommend the Grow Light Calculator from the Coco for Cannabis community:
it comes with a lot of explanation (in text and video form). they are currently reworking it but the “old” (very useful) version is still up. you can put your own numbers in and compare it to a similar fixture.for the question which one is better: for the big companies I don’t think there is a huge difference in the quality of the light itself. Nowadays the differences are the accessories: is the ballast detachable, which controler does it work with…