Looks Great 👍
That is something to be proud of…. Beautiful 😍
Love the colors! Looks Dank AF
Is this what the photos on your profile turned into?
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Here’s my Paloma Nights at day 32 of flower. Coco and perlite in 6g Autopots under HLG650 Rspec. Dr earth organic dry nutes with weekly recharge topwater.
Had my oscillating fan too close and I think that’s the cause of the tacoing. Sweet lemony scent coming off of stem rubs.
It looks like the first snow of the year with many more to visit this plants buds and small fans
Platinum dosi in-house genetics just chopped day 65 canna coco with canna A and B and recharge easy grow. Has a Gassy kush smell
Beauty!!! Fing eh
B-E-A- utiful!!!!!!!
Looks amazing!
Sticky Rice and some No Joke testers from chad westport around day 40 of flower. The no joke are straight candy so far and real frosty for how early