I’m pretty sure I over watered and because I mistakenly got the peat moss coco seedling blend it has been soaked since the first water. I’m going to switch some of them to Kratky buckets and try to transplant them into actual coco with perlite amendments . I spent way more then I should have on lights so I fell short on my budget in other…
Is this light stress of over watering ?
SF7000 at 30” 40% dimming , feeding masterblend 3 part tomato granular with PH and dechlorinated water.
Does anybody have any light distance suggestions for a SF7000 in a 3x3x6? I also have a 4×4 thats not completely setup.
Appreciate any help! First time indoor grower
Save power. You can dim the light to 10% and have it a foot or less away from them. Keep the distance based on the spread of the light. You can have the light right over them bunched together in small pots and move it further away as you need more spread and intensity.
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