• Mimosa X Orange Punch from Barney’s. It’s a pretty amazing bush. It’s pretty easy to deal with just have to thin her out a couple of times in the cycle. Big bush 😂. She supports herself pretty good. I do let the limbs roll some then support them. It give me a more uniform finish and canon ball nugs on the lower limbs. The taste is amazing and…

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    QualicumChronic, danknuggardens and 7 others
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  • Hello, first timw chatter! I found this community from the youtube videos. I was wondering, when should we actually start feeding liquid fertilizer to seedlings? I am also a first time grower and just wanted to see if I can keep the plants alive long enough to produce lol. Next month I will be getting hp pro mix, but as of right now, i just…

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    sunny, Cannasota and 4 others
  • Creamsicle X Hella Jelly pheno hunt just popped. Can’t wait to see how she grows

    RMT_Gro, sunny and 5 others
    • She’s looking awesome. Topped her once and about to start some LST.

      • Moved her to a 7gal pot. She’s doing great. Thic structure. I’ve taken a few cuttings and been doing some training. I’m debating on growing her huge but most likely she’ll be growing to flower soon. I can’t wait to see what she produces. I’m really liking what I see so far.

      • Is there anything more cathartic than working in your micro grow? It’s definitely my zen garden. Maybe a big ass field 😂

        RMT_Gro, didigrowthat and myokgarden
      • I may have to travel for 5 day trip. I feed the lady’s every 3 days. Any suggestions?

        btw these are the word problems we should have had in school. Lmao

        RMT_Gro and didigrowthat
        • A timer, a 5 gal, bucket and some drippers would be my suggestion. Cost about $50 and would cover you for a watering or 2. If you need any help putting one together lmk and I’m glad to help.

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