cannasota posted an update 6 months ago
My outdoor Grow. Strain: Pulp Friction
cannasota posted an update 6 months ago
cannasota posted an update 6 months ago
cannasota posted an update 6 months ago
I wanna learn how to successfully clone. Any recommendations for some YouTube vids? Lol
I don’t have any vids to recommend but i’ll give you a good word of advise… Healthy mothers make healthy clones..
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https://youtu.be/1YzslSK0wuw?si=Nz5_gycKNK9k-kVr growing with dragon aerocloner style but the tips, method, and the mix all will work with plug and dome style
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I always pick the healthiest plants and take a cutting from the middle of the plant. I dip that into rooting gel or Azos and stick it into soil. Cover with dome or plastic sandwich bag for at least 3-4 day for high humidity. After that I start cutting bigger and bigger holes in the bag to let in more oxygen as well as getting the clone acclimated.
When do you start training your autos?
today is day 19 on these tropchem candied cheese auto by Babylon burning selections, I germinated in solos, about day 3-4 I transplanted to one gals, and about a week ago they reached final home in these tall 5 gallon pots… I used 5 table spoons of grow dots to the 5 gallons of super soil and recharge this…
Looks good.
I too transplant my autos when I grow them. I started with autos and being a life long gardener already I just naturally used transplanting…works just fine.
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