• To anyone looking to expand their culture library. Check out “True blue genetics”, the shipping is phenomenal, super secure, and they even shipped with a small disposable ice pack, a handwritten note. And they gave me a phoenix oyster culture with my order of shiitake and cordyceps.

      Check out and subscribe to “fungaia” on YouTube, you’ll get a discount code ✌️

      MT_Homestead_Growin, TerpyTen and 6 others
      • Love the channel. The guy is a goober like me. Super enjoyable to watch. Love true blue genetics. All legit stuff. SporeWorks has been around forever too.

        • Ha! Yeah he’s quite the character. Makes it fun to watch for sure, and super knowledgeable……so far everyone I’ve met or talked to in the mushroom community has been very intelligent, and kind.