Sorry to hear about your troubles with Winter Frost. What’s in Winter Frost seems to be a big secret. I’ve seen it asked many times and I get why some formulas remain undisclosed for business reasons but it’s not magic and you can’t fool me. 😉 If Winter Frost is supposed to aid in senescence then it must have ingredients involved in…
jmystro, sasquatchimo and gassaaten -
If you want to trim the plant while it’s still alive then you’d better make sure when you cut a branch or leaf that nothing oozes out. Your plant’s internal plumbing should not be pumping at harvest. If it is… you’re doing it wrong. Don’t water the last 5-7 days before harvest and harvest in middle to end of dark cycle. Guttation from flowers…
jpen87 and twoc1978 -
The waxy outer shell of a trichome is called the cuticle. We dry bud and ‘cure’ oxidize the cuticle. The waxy membrane is soft when it forms on a live plant and hardens as it oxidizes during the drying process.
vancerefridgeration, wholebunchanumbers and 2 others -
Water more or water more often
A healthy rhizosphere requires dissolved oxygen (O2) as well as moisture (H2O). Water is not able to hold as much oxygen as the air, so roots can consume the available oxygen in the water to the point where roots start to ‘suffocate’ pretty quick. There is really no such thing as over-watering. Roots can live submerged as long as O2 levels…
theunclekush, paka and 3 others -
jmystro changed their profile photo 8 months ago