Lol… no shit.. I had a moma and 2 clones in 1 3×3 just with the little 150w that cam with it and got the bright ass idea to add 2 bar lights I had to the sides and 2nd day in the tent middle of flower l1 of the bar lights got sideways and was on 1 of the clones and burnt her slam up. I was so upset cause I got in a hurry and could have did…
nappyterps -
Is anything lower then that doing it or something away from light. Almost looks like it got to much light. Just from going off the pictures.
Mattyice -
What is everyone growing for spring vegetable garden
@ home wife and I are gonna do the basics, tomatoes, squash, qucombers maybe few melons, then on Hunting lease putting in 2 little 1/4 acre corn plots and a red beats. .
burny and cannabee-72 -
Started building out our spare room, into my new grow, and here is a little hack for everyone, wife ended up grabbing me a bag of these dash pizza bags and cut open and unfold and make great wall insulation and reflective. Spent $0
Plant-Daddy, Mrnice and 9 others-
Now THAT’S redneck ingenuity right there! This made my son say wow!
1 -
Lol, same think my wife said….
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