• Hands down, J.R.’s Paloma is always the queen of the garden. It’s so exciting to grow her outside because she is so rugged. She’s dramatic in her expressions of everything. The cuticle on the leaf is tough and is not easy for bugs. I don’t have mold issues for many reasons, and one of them is selecting strains that have tough cuticles. I don’t…

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    Casadelwhacko, Hannabis and 4 others
    • She’s a beauty! 🤟🤟

      • Love the write up lol. How would one obtain said cut if they happen to be in like Minnesota? Is it even like a sold cut or is it just for friends? I really do understand the importance of clones compared to seeds. Seeds can vary so much in this plant it’s wild. Look at GSC for example and all the crazy different shit that comes out of those seed packs.

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    • My Nuketown is getting the 🪓 tomorrow!

      MinnesotaMicroFarmer, newbgrower and 30 others
    • Nuketown is about ready for the 🪓 I’ll be chopping her down tomorrow when the light comes on!

      kushcommander, symtetra and 2 others
    • NOW IS WHEN I ACTUALLY WORK IN THE GREENHOUSE. The last few months…. That was child’s play people. This is where we sort the boys and men out. NO MOLD ALL SOLD is the motto I recommend. Keep your mind on the priority. SMOKABLE WEED AFTER ALL THE TIME, IMPUTS AND BENEFICIALS YOU KILLED WITH SPRAYING, if you did not use enclosure or…

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      Casadelwhacko, backyard-boogie and 4 others
      • My ladies are real outdoors lol. I did have aphids really bad on a plant that turned out to be a make anyway but I dusted the entire crop with diatomaceous earth on August 11th. I have used the umbrella 3 times this year for hail but other than that these are full sun, full rain ladies!

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      • Does the insect netting help indoors?

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