• Got the grow room set up downstairs. Snoop is helping keep the smell down.

    bepennjier, jimmyanderson420 and 7 others
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  • Trimming

    I always find myself excited at harvest but agonizing after a couple hours. Is this still too wet? Too dry? Is that mold? OMG I found a seed! So much larf! Wtf?

    Then it all feels better on the final round. Does anyone else feel the same uncertainty and anxiety at harvest and trim time? The excitement has returned for the final cleanup.

    bnr, nvr2old and 2 others
  • Good Morning growmies! Just wanted to share my exciting news that mama bought me a new xmas present and since i was the one who got the mail, i recognized that box shape and she allowed me to open the box and check it out. My new se4500 evo bar light from spiderfarmer. Really great coverage for my 3×5! (You dont think I was going to wait…

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    nvr2old, vancerefridgeration and 8 others
    • Like the straps you used for your exhaust system, home made ? Great mama Mice light. Good luck.

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    • Got a link? I could really use that if you let me.

      • Thanks , I have a video i made but its too big showing how it works (1:47), and how easy it is to install componants. im not smart enough to get the video back down to acceptable size for this platform. No link, i stopped after applying for patent and business license etc. Not planning on making anymore at the moment , but would be happy too…

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      • Lets talk cloning! I’ve been crushing it lately with the bubble cloner & the $82 AC Infinity complete clone system. How do you all clone? What’s your best tip? Best comments will be featured on the show.

        budwinjones, pungolian and 10 others
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        • After I cut the bottom node at a 45 degree angle, I very lightly scrape the skin of the clipping just above that cut. Then I dip it in the rooting hormone. Seems to help it sprout more roots.

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        • Hash (edited)

          I use a suped-up clone king 25 site aeorcloner…been using it forever….

          I have a slightly larger Vivosun pump that I used to replace the cheap pump that came with… I also replaced the misters with flat top 360° misters so that the solution penetrates the stem better.

          The cloner is elevated off of the ground with a fan blowing underneath it…

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        • Love my cloner now. Took a little bit to convert from the solo cups. I like the space saving this way.

          • I have the little 20 dollar 6 hole hydro cloner. I really want to try it but I’m not 100% on what to put in the water, etc, If my balls don’t grow a little before it’s time to take some cuts I’ll just do it in soil….lol. Only ever cloned a plant once 35 years ago. You folks make it look easy.

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          • pop

            Clear solo in a red solo cup works great every time🥸

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