Anything with a compressor needs to set upright for at least a day to make sure the oil has settled. You can not run a compressor on it’s side or upside down.
pete77 and ohigrow -
Harvest when your plants are mature. The moon doesn’t dictate that. I understand the physics of the moon’s gravity. The plant doesn’t need the moon’s help to pull anything up like water or minerals before or during harvest. The internal system doesn’t need any more pressure. Guttation occurs as the result of too much water pressure in the…
pete77, milkie and 2 others -
Trace elements are not something you should need to supplement. Don’t go dumping borax in your soil. Borax is a soluble salt consisting of sodium borate that needs to be diluted in water. Your plants do not need boron supplemented. It’s a trace element. Boron is plant available in the form of boric acid. Boric acid is an essential trace…
lakeeriemonster, myokgarden and 3 others -
I’d keep O3 away from my grow as oxidative stress of plants is a real thing. O2 isn’t an issue but the oxygen free radical released can be an issue.
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