• Profile photo of mikekenneth12

      mikekenneth12 posted an update

      7 weeks ago

      Here is my plants two atomic cream pie in flower but there’s white spots on leaf looking like over spray from a paint gun I inspected the leaf thinking it was bugs no bugs the back of the leaf is perfect this started after I top dressed with build a soil flower blend.anyone know what is going on

      • Looking like thrip damage… Notice shiny spots on the topside of the leaves? They are mobile and hard to spot at times…and very persistent.

        If you hold a paper plate under the leaves and give the stem a good thump, you’ll usually catch a few. Hopefully I’m wrong, but good luck either way.

        Spinosad is your friend if ya got em.✌️

        • Looks like leaf miners, can remove the damaged leaves to stop the spread and keep it under control